Saturday, 5 November 2011

Filofax + Doodles = Filodoodles!

Testing out one of my new stamps. And a white pen. And... and...
Mmm... Filofax.


  1. and perfectly purple and pink pantaloons! I am a massive stamp fan too, love it! Really like your new blog look too, the header and the lovely pics on the sidebar...nice x

  2. talking of P's....just scanning through the blogs and found a post about "perfectly peachy pinnies" at and thought of you! Shes got a lovely blog..not sure if you have seen it before or not??

  3. Love the doodles..the little 'P' pig is cute! I like the 'P' star stamp as well. May you have lots of fun with your new pens and stamps!! :)

  4. LDB - I love dottie angel, I do read her blog and it is indeed gorgeous! Thanks for the comment about the new layout, I wanted to freshen it up and I really like blogs with a lot of white space so white space it was! With the statutory new header too, of course. Thank you x

    Magie - thank you! I love my new stamps! It's fun having a play around with new stationery. There is literally no thrill in my life like new stationery! x


I love reading your comments and I love looking at your blogs, too. If you ask a question I will most likely reply within this comments section so please do check back. Either way I like popping over to your blogs to say hello, too!